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Hair Transplant Timeline

Hair Transplant Timeline

A patient preparing for a hair transplant may have questions about the changes after hair transplant ( Hair transplant timeline ). How will the hair transplant change each month? To prepare for planning life in each phase. In this article, the KESA clinic would like to summarize the timeline after hair transplantation as follows

hair growth process

  • 2-3 days after hair transplant ( Hair transplant timeline )

A feeling of tightness and pain from the wound is normal. The pain will gradually disappear within two weeks. The wound will begin to dry and scab over in 2-3 days. If itching, you should not scratch. Wash your hair daily and apply ointment to the wound on the back. Moreover, take medicine to relieve itching and swelling of the forehead and eyelids. The swelling will disappear within seven days.

  • 2 weeks after hair transplant ( Hair transplant timeline )

After removing the Scab, the grafts will attach and grow approximately 2-3 mm. Redness of the scalp can be visible in the area where the hair is transplanted. It will gradually fade within 2-3 months. Numbness and sharp pain may be experienced in some people. This is caused by the hair transplant procedure affecting the nerves under the scalp. The nerves will recover again within 3-6 months.

  • 2 weeks – 3 month after hair transplant ( Hair transplant timeline )

The grafts and hair around where the grafts were inserted will begin to fall out, almost wholly called shock loss stage”. Acne may appear in the transplanted and donor areas. It is caused by obstruction of the newly regrown hair; use anti-acne medication when you have an acne problem. If the pimple is significant, you can use a needle to drain it and apply medicine. Wash your hair every day and avoid making yourself sweat a lot.

shock loss hair transplant

  • 3 – 4 month after hair transplant

The new hair will begin to grow back but will still be small in size, called “vellus hair”. After that, it will gradually become longer and thicker in size.

  • 8-12 month after hair transplant

The hairs become thicker near normal size. You can see the difference and compare the change with your before-hair transplant look.

  • 12-18 month after hair transplant

Total hairs regrowth and matures. Moreover, there may be additional hair growth in 1-2 years.

More review  :  Case review hair transplantation

hair transplant timeline

after hair transplant timeline

after hair transplant timeline

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